Egg Progression

I inked in the lines for today’s experiment, after painting a graded wash (blue-to-red-to-yellow). I inscribed the curved shapes as precisely as I could within the inked boundaries. The central ovoid is shaded for a three dimensional look (resulting in a spheroid); the blue circle is a flat planar disk; the yellow shape seems to […]


There are a lot of bicycle lanes in the area where I live. I see them mainly when I drive my car. I saw the one below on my walk today. They look bigger in person, and a little more… sectioned, than a real bike rider. Glad the icon depicts a rider wearing a helmut. […]

Leaf or Trees?

The work of Richard Diebenkorn was in the back of my mind today. I have been reading about his Ocean Park series. Everything about my paintings is different than his. He worked in oils, I work in watercolor; he worked on canvases on the order of 8×10 feet, I work on paper of 9×12 inches; […]

Abstract with Curlicues 062717

Today’s composition began with the stair-step lines. In some of Paul Klee’s work, he uses this form as the border of a shading gradient that appears to be air-brushed. I shaded some of the stair steps and other border shapes with a rusty red, which had the effect of projecting these shapes forward. I used […]

Storefront Back

This is the back of a very big storefront. Really big.  You might notice the standpipe valves. This is the same standpipe I featured in a previous post. It is interesting to see in in context with the rest of the paraphernalia associated with a large storefront, although most of the hardware is hidden from […]

Abstract with Thick and Thin Lines

In today’s experiment, I used a combination of line-making techniques. I began with latex resist (frisket), that kept the pigments away from the paper, allowing the formation of white lines. After applying the first set of colors, primarily Prussian blue and quinacridone burnt orange, I removed the mask and added a second one. Depending on […]

Locked Standpipes and Alarm

Sometimes there is a lot to see behind buildings. My walk today, took me to the back of one building where I saw a standpipe arrangement different from others I’ve seen. This dual set of standpipes was just below an alarm bell. I suppose the fire department would locate the standpipe by localizing the sound […]

Re-entry or Fiery Shield

My original idea for this composition was to combine a portrait with the shape of a shield. However, I could not see a clear way to accomplish that goal. Therefore this composition shows a shield in action, protecting the unseen from damage coming at it from all sides. It could also be a heat shield […]