Man with Hair Parted Down the Middle Eating and Working His Phone

This is a better color experiment than yesterday’s. I also made use of the trough between the two sketchbook pages. I made it correspond with the part of the gentleman’s hair.

Coloring Adventure’s First Big Mistake

I am getting ready to add color to my sketches. The other day I added watercolor to my sketch of the backyard. Aside from the resulting water-curled pages, the experiment was successful. After I sketched the man at the table (see below), I used Copic markers to add color. I read that Copic markers are […]

Tutor and Child

This is one of the first portrait-formatted, double-paged notebook sketches I drew in my 5×8 Moleskin journal. Physically, it is a very much different experience than drawing in the landscape orientation. The division between pages in the landscape format impedes the left-right (right-left)  stroke, which is easier for me to handle than the interrupted up-down […]

Back Yard Sketch, Colored

I added watercolor to this pencil sketch. I’m working toward changing the emphasis of my sketching from the past year’s meditation on waiting. I would like to fill my next sketch book with colorful pen and ink and pencil drawings. To this end, I am looking for a better sketch book. Water applied to the […]

Young Woman with her Hair Messed Up Waiting for Her Car

This young lady’s hair was hanging over her face. I imagine this was very comfortable, since she seemed relaxed in her preoccupation.  Waiting is better when one is relaxed.

Two Guys Waiting for Their Cars at the Dealer

I’ve been doing most of my waiting in waiting rooms in the medical setting. Of course there are other kinds of waiting areas: those for transportation (i.e., airports, train stations); those for products (mainly lines, for tickets, new product releases, etc.); and for services (which may include lines and seating areas, such as the Department of Motor […]

Business Training Session

I was thinking about the role coffee shops played in the development of art and artists: Coffeehouses were a staple of folk musicians in the US in the 1960s; Café Guerbois , in Paris, was a meeting place of such artists as Paul Cézanne, Édouard Manet, Camille Pissarro and other Impressionists: The Cedar Tavern, in New York City […]