Fishing Again

I got up at 3:15 AM to go fishing, today. I took a dramamine before bedtime, hoping that it would give me a good start on not being sea sick. I had planned to take another before we went out. I’ll have to talk with my sister-in-law about what was in them besides the dramamine […]

Flower with a Secret

I always try to learn a few things every day. With painting that’s not hard, because I have a lot to learn. I do keep my mind open for other things, which I’ll get to after today’s experiment. Today’s Experiment I love color. In the flower I chose today, there was the palest of pink-ishes […]

Slight Road Trip

We attended a ‘celebration of life’ today. It was sad for those who knew the man that died, one of Joy’s cousin’s exes. Everyone was supposed to come in casual attire; he was a surfer – until the very end. His last heart attack was on his surf board. I met the man once or twice […]

New Growth

It was a bit rainy yesterday, so I was thrilled to see the sunlight on the porch this morning. In addition to visiting my pink flower, I took a look at Arthur, my pet avocado sapling. Those of you who follow my blog probably know the saga of Arthur. It was touch and go for […]

Addition to Simple Flower

Yesterday’s experiment was to paint a simple pink flower. When I took the picture, I noticed that the leaf was equally as stunning in its almost black-and-white coloration. Today’s experiment I decided that I would like to add that leaf to the pink flower. Here is the photo of the entire leaf: But a second photo shows the […]

Trying Hard to be Simple

We have a lot of flowers around since the kids left. There’s this pink one that is Joy’s favorite.  I thought I’d take a stab at representing it in watercolors. Today’s experiment I sketched this flower from life, as it was right outside, but I referred to the photograph in order to get the correct […]

So Simple, and Yet…

Easter Lily I couldn’t resist taking a photograph of the Easter lily on the kitchen table. My only disappointment was that I couldn’t get close enough with my phone – I mean camera. This is the shot I liked: Looks simple and delicate. Today’s experiment It looked like it would be so simple to paint. The […]

Illness and Consciousness

Foucaultian Slip? We were visiting one of the relatives who is gravely ill today. Since she sleeps nearly all the time now, I brought my books along to to some reading and writing. I have been reading Foucault’s book, Madness, The Invention of an Idea, and posting my thoughts on this subject, which is very […]

Mental and Physical Illness

Organic pathology Physical ailments are much easier to recognize than mental disorders. For example, a person with the flu has a fever, aches and pains, and other recognizable signs; there are laboratory tests that can determine whether a person with a sore throat and a fever has an infection. A doctor can successfully treat the […]

Good News

It’s about Arthur, my pet avocado tree. I was feeling a bit down this morning, missing the company that we had for the past week or two. I went out on the back porch with the idea of further documenting Arthur’s demise, much like I did with my dragonfruit (Single Dragonfruit, Symmetry, Dragonfruit Unchained, Dragonfruitus Resumptus and Aging Dragonfruit, Old […]