Blue Lire

Today’s painting is similar to yesterday‘s. I’ve been starting three paintings at the same time, lately. It gives me an opportunity to try different brush strokes and patterns with the same sets of colors. In the study below, I began by preparing a Prussian blue/water mixture. With my brush soaked in color, my strokes became drippy.  I changed the color of the run-off by creating another reservoir of color (Indian yellow) and tilting the paper to let it run into the (already dried) blue streaks.

Watercolor: Abstract - Blue Lire

Abstract 111116
15″x11″ 140# Cold Pressed Watercolor Block

This design reminds me of a lire, an ancient stringed instrument. Partially mixed yellow and unmixed cadmium red accent the predominantly blue field. However, instead of a feeling of music, I get a feeling of motion from this composition.

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