A Break from the Usual Fare

Reminiscing can be a good thing. The major portion of this blog thus far, is composed of memories. I relate my early experiences, how I revisited them and revisit the revisitations. Some may call that self indulgent. Maybe it is, but I prefer to call it ‘my process’: a combination of persistence, engineering analysis, and artistic expression.

Today, like many of you who are in the thick of confronting issues of autism, I am in the here and now. I’m sitting in a hospital room with my wife, who is under observation following chest pains. Not to worry, she is ok, but we would rather have it checked out than not.

The thought I leave you with is, advocacy is very important in any health care situation. Clear, accurate information must be given to each and every provider from admission clerks to nurses to doctors.

It is amazing how easily information can get garbled.

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